Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Let's Get It Started

I've often blogged in my head... thinking that I should catlaog the thoughts I'd never like to forget. So let's get it started. I want to start, right off the bat, by recalling all of the precious things that my children do. This is for my memory's sake, not to prove that my kids are cuter than yours. :)

Brayden (not yet 3 yrs. old): talks like he's from Hiawassee now (whud's thhhaaaaaaaa-AT?). He looked at me after we spent the evening at Home Depot the other night, just the two of us, and said with no reservation and tons of enthusiasm, "I love my mommy!" Yes, as a matter of fact, I did weep.
Oh! And 2 days ago in the car he clasped his hands together and said, "Pray (words I couldn't understand, and thank you, and more words I couldn't understand) and AAA-MEN!". He followed with, "Now, let's listen to God". He paused again momentarily and lifted his hands high to scream "Praise Uh Loooorrd!" Again, I wept. He likes to be a "tough boy", and will "Kung Fu Panda" you if you let him, but he is also an extremely well-mannered young man. He has learned to listen the first time, say excuse me, and ask Addy Grace if she's okay when she's upset.

Addy (will be 17 months old soon): Still looks like a 9-month old in stature but carries herself and communicates like 2-yr. old. She's as sweet as she looks, especially when she wakes up in the morning to say "Morning, Dad-Dee" . She's got a sassy side too. She's learned to hold her own with her brother and she instigates quite a bit (knowing we usually assume her brother is being a bully, which isn't always the case). She and her brother both have excellent manners. When you give her something she says, "Cank Cue" and when she gives you something she'll say "Here you go, Momma". I'm not exaggerating the way she articulates either. She's got an expansive vocabulary to be so tiny. Her walk is more like a pageant glide, laid back and confident. If NO ONE else can make her happy, her brother can. He's already her hero. Oh, and she'll melt your heart when she blows you a kiss.

All this bragging on my kids wouldn't be possible without my husband, Craig. We are working on Building A Strong, Successful Family with some training from our church http://www.eastgatechurch.net/ I'll dedicate an entire blog to that as soon as possible. It's very exciting to get to the heart of. I feel good now that the bloggin' ball is rolling.


Alicia R said...


I love this blog!!!of course it has pictures of some of my favorite people and I love pictures!!! I am so glad that you guys moved here. I have enjoyed getting to know you and your amazing family... We need to get together again real soon, I need some Brayden, Addy time!

Our church, Eastgate Church is helping all of us to grow, and it is great to "Do Life together" I love yall!!!

Alicia R.

Shelby said...

I love this blog...LOVE IT... like SOOOO much. :) And I love YOU!